Champion Article: Making the case for adoption

27 Sep

Making the case for adoption

Controversial comments concerning adoption have left adoptive families flabbergasted and upset

The blessing of adoption — The love of a child, whether biological or adopted, is one in the same. Photo credit: Jennifer Van Buskirk, Facebook

Outspoken televangelist Pat Robertson’s offensive statements regarding adoption exploded controversy among the Christian right.

According to Robertson, “You don’t have to take on someone else’s problems.”
His language in the interview seemed to demean those who adopt, and he went as far as to say that one of his friends adopted a son who “grew up weird.”

Robertson, who nowadays seems to be making a habit of vocalizing outrageous assertions, is still one of the most heard voices in Christianity due to the success of his program, The 700 Club. Despite this fact, a Christian who does research on the matter will learn that Robertson’s view on adoption does not serve as the final voice on opinion on the matter from our faith.

Those who adopt display many of the greatest values and principles found in the Bible. The generosity and compassion that adoption requires is extremely important for Christians to understand. Psalm 68:5 says that God’s heart is set upon being a father to the fatherless.

Jesus commands us to give everything that we have to Him, and to shelter the poor and those in need. In Luke 18:22, we are presented the conversation between Jesus and the rich young ruler.

“When Jesus heard this, he said to him, ‘You still lack one thing. Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.’”

We are called to have complete generosity, unrestrained by comfort. It is so important to Christ that he turned away the young ruler seeking eternal life because the man was not willing to sacrifice what he had.

The foundation of Christianity is new life in Christ through his resurrection and grace, completely undeserved by the receiver.

Ephesians 1:4-5 says that in love, God chose us to be adopted as sons. Adoption is principle made perfect by God and his salvation, not because we deserved it in any way, but because he decided to give it freely to us. We were dead in our sins before we were redeemed.

A friend of mine, Jaime Bailey, is a mother of four — two naturally-born and two adopted. One of her adopted children, Cruise, is autistic. Jaime and her husband knew that they were called to adopt, and there is no doubt in their mind that their adopted children are as completely theirs as their natural children are. Although Cruise has a disability, he is an even greater gift to them, teaching them new lessons on love and the value of life every day.

For Jamie, the key to their choice is that “we are trusting whatever God has for our family, and we are so excited for our future!”

The Bailey family recently decided to continue the extension of their love to foster children.

Adoption is one of God’s most beautiful creations. It is amazing that we are capable of completely loving a child that we have no biological connection to. There are not many relationships that more closely identify with Christianity than that of someone completely undeserving receiving unconditional love.

That extension of love is something that we should be excited to have the opportunity to give and learn from and should never be taken for granted because of inconvenience. Adoption is not taking on someone else’s problem, it is an answer to God’s command.

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