Archive | February, 2013

We’d be lucky with horsemeat: Salmonella Outbreak in American Beef

23 Feb

Recently various European hamburger sellers have had multiple product recalls and widespread horror (read more about it here). The situation has not reached the United States, though now it seems that we would be lucky to have it!


Horsemeat is NOT dangerous to eat, and merely poses emotional disturbance with the unexpected switch from moo to mare.

Americans have bigger things to fear- like Salmonella. Sixteen people in five different states have now fallen ill from poisoning due to raw ground beef.


Combined Animal Feeding Opperations are supposedly the cause of the outbreak, making people worried that US soil does not grant that their beef is safe. Though the outbreak has a is supposed to have a single source, a restaurant in Detroit, it’s not quite time for people to be scared.

Check out this video from the Huffington Post.

Consumers need to know where they are getting their products from until this case is over- and until then, those providing meat products should proclaim their defense during this uncertainty.

The Center For Disease Control offers more information on the outbreaks that have currently taken place.

Celebrity President: A leader with connections.

18 Feb

Presidents with monotone voices and less than appealing personalities are out. To be a trendy president these days, you have to keep up with the best.

This weekend, Obama took a 3 day golf getaway in Florida with Tiger woods, the controversial golf king.


From the time of his marital infidelity Tiger suffered many major endorsement losses as well as a faltering career. Nike was one of few to stand by him, view their reaction video here.

Sure, they are both mixed race golf players. Obama is well known as a family man, and his image has greatly benefited from that outlook, so their random connection begs the question:
So who and what is this about?

Woods has clearly been recreating his image slowly, his recent wins are encouraging for his career, and as for his endorsements, while he is no longer the top ranking athlete IN THE WORLD, he is still among the top three. A relationship with Obama regardless of the past creates an image of peace and potentially forgiveness for Woods’ image.

One month since inauguration, Obama clearly has nothing to lose.

Is the president seeking to rename Woods as a champion regardless of his previous reputation?

Or does he think that it will 1 up his celebrity name to spend time with Woods?

Either way, he is proving that he is serious about his golfing hobby so maybe this will help him when he comes under scrutiny for his favorite pastime.


So Hungry I Could Eat a Horse… at Burger King?

2 Feb

Burger King has recently been receiving extreme scrutiny for having a relationship with with a food processing company that had traces of horse meat in it. Numerous avenues have allegedly reported that the DNA was discovered in their burgers.   For more on the story go to

Say it ain’t so!
According to the LA times ( Burger King states  those traces of equine were never sold, and never made it into their products.

A newsroom hay-day (get it?)
With meme’s floating around like this and news sources like CNN writing puns about the company’s unfortunate circumstances in their article “Neigh it ain’t so: Mare’s the beef?” ( Burger King has had some major cleaning up to do.

The King did not hesitate, they said it first.
They started the conversation by notifying the media that their relationship with the supplier was over. Speedy work!

When Humiliated, be humble.
BK’s statements took complete blame for the circumstances, even though they claim to never have sold meat from Silvercrest. Their integrity seems to be paying off, and informed publics seem to be generally unconcerned. It helps that the incident took place overseas.

“We are deeply troubled by the findings of our investigation and apologise to our guests, who trust us to source only the highest quality 100 percent beef burgers. Our supplier has failed us and in turn we have failed you.” said Burger King’s vice president of global quality, Diego Beamonte.

They’re doing what they can in the face of a rough situation: they made no attempt to maintain a relationship with the food processing company (Thank goodness!)

They are maintaining their image: a visit to their website will prove to you that they are not looking back on the incident at all. You can’t even view a press release about it on the site. It is also fair to note that their current promotions are on chicken rather than their “beef” burgers.

They have made their promises, and can it is certain that they will be under close watch by their customers.
According to CBS they are taking it upon themselves to ensure that this doesn’t happen again, and providing DNA testing for all of their meat.

In the end, let’s make light of the situation.

Check out The Mix’s commentary here and get a good laugh: