Celebrity President: A leader with connections.

18 Feb

Presidents with monotone voices and less than appealing personalities are out. To be a trendy president these days, you have to keep up with the best.

This weekend, Obama took a 3 day golf getaway in Florida with Tiger woods, the controversial golf king.


From the time of his marital infidelity Tiger suffered many major endorsement losses as well as a faltering career. Nike was one of few to stand by him, view their reaction video here.

Sure, they are both mixed race golf players. Obama is well known as a family man, and his image has greatly benefited from that outlook, so their random connection begs the question:
So who and what is this about?

Woods has clearly been recreating his image slowly, his recent wins are encouraging for his career, and as for his endorsements, while he is no longer the top ranking athlete IN THE WORLD, he is still among the top three. A relationship with Obama regardless of the past creates an image of peace and potentially forgiveness for Woods’ image.

One month since inauguration, Obama clearly has nothing to lose.

Is the president seeking to rename Woods as a champion regardless of his previous reputation?

Or does he think that it will 1 up his celebrity name to spend time with Woods?

Either way, he is proving that he is serious about his golfing hobby so maybe this will help him when he comes under scrutiny for his favorite pastime.


One Response to “Celebrity President: A leader with connections.”

  1. rebeccajalvarado March 4, 2013 at 5:45 am #

    Great title! It immediately drew me in. Your post was very well written and your hyperlinks were relevant. You gave the reader resources to look into things further if they wanted to but if they didn’t you kept on with the main points. I really enjoyed reading it! It was short and sweet and to the point. And your photo choices were perfect as well. While your post was light hearted others didnt have very nice things to say about Obama’s vacation. I found an article here that speaks more about it.



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